bloggers for hire
Hilary has hired a blogger to help her campaign for whatever or whichever. My first thought was that this was a good way to expand ones exposure in the news coverage and it only cost what you have to pay a blogger to do what he would be doing anyway as opposed to taking out advertizing in major newspapers and buying TV time.
Economically sound? unless there's a law aginst it. CLEVER GIRL.. .
MuMo pointed me here, and I enjoyed the visit. Be well,
Wednesday, 28 June, 2006
Yes, she is a clever girl...
She would have my vote for pres.!
Any woman that could stand up a face what she has publicly, and then get elected in NY... That is my kind of president! We sure wouldn't be in the terrible mess we find ourselves in if she would have run two terms ago!
Thursday, 29 June, 2006
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