SLEEPING at 3 AM . . . ? . . .or rather not sleeping
but I bet he is. His name is Humphrey and this is his baby picture
My friend Jan adopted him one day after a careless seagul lost it's grip on his tail and dripped him at his feet, minus the tail feathers. It was winter and cold and there was nothing for baby birds to eat. . mom or pop bird to bring seed and or bugs pre-chewed to drop into a babies gaping beak. Jan took him home and tried to get him to eat bits of stuff that he thought birds must like. . .after all we do. After a few days he discovered the magic elixr. . .honey in water. Or maybe the baby was hungry enough to try something new.Jan wasn't sure of the gender or the species but named him anyway. It's good to have a name.
Humphrey grew, replacingt fuzz and fluff with feathers and eventually even tail feathers. The studio apartment became his home and within it another home concocted by Jan by putting THINGS together, Jan is a retired industrial designer and the cage he made for Humph is beautiful as well as useful, Humph likes it so much now that he won't come out. I wish I could show it to you. . .have a picture here somewhere. maybe later.
It's clear that these two have become friends as well as room mates, that they have something for each other, both living freely but caged al the same time. Wild birds are discouraged from living with people at this establishment, so it must be done secretly.
What is freedom anyway, maybe CHOICE? I know I don't begin to do all the things I'd like to do, go to all the places that beckon. I'm free to do so but seem to prefer to stay in my cage. We can do that if we Choose. We are lucky birds.
What a lovely story!
Did you read "A Redbird Christmas?"
It is a nice read you may enjoy.
I found a baby bird that was injured by a cat. I tried to think about what to do... I kept it overnight and it seemed fine the next day. I found a vet who had an employee who took in injured animals... Its wing was injured... Well, I was told the next day it died while getting an x-ray. It had a puncture in the chest from a cat claw... I wish I would have kept it at home and tried harder to find out how to care for it mayself... It really seemed fine when I took it in there...
Hope you have a great day... I love your blog! You seem to be a soul-mate...
Tuesday, 30 May, 2006
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