Making Art . . .is what I do
Since my principal interest is in making art, I think I'll take a little time out from politics to show you some of it. It's still on the easel because I haven't removed the staples yet. Here I tacked a piece of Rivas grey print paper to my favorite messy board, sponged it with water on a paper towel, and attacked with paynes grey acrylic paint, the only color I used for this and a large brush, .
It all happened in less than an hour as some of them do and I knew enough this time to leave it alone. There was a minor touchup period of about ten minutes after it dried, but otherwise I let these strange faces have their say.
No I didn't plan for them or draw them, they simple grew on their own. This happens all the time. It must mean something but so far I've no Idea what . . . As I recall, I started out with a vision of a city, of buildings and a winding road and that isn't what happened although the verticals can be indicative of buildings and there is a road-like feature on the right side. I just never know how it will turn out and I think that happens with other artists as well. It's this mystery which enchants me.
dear Edie thanks for all the comments I enjoyed your view of things even if it doesn't include mine. . .abstraction. do come back. . . claire
Tuesday, 09 May, 2006
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