Thinking out loud and in public . . .

Friday, January 27, 2006

Eugene Robinson at the Washington Post

. . . writes about the Bush administration's attempt to keep track of all our internet search activity via the use of GOOGLE. It represents another personal intrusion, one I really resent because Google is a member of my family of friends now. I like Google . . . .it's as if the GOOG is a trusworthy old uncle who knows everything. When I want to know about KANT and --how do you spell it --Neizche? -- is that it? I just go to old GOOG and he tells me more than I can really digest, but by golly he's always there with the answers.

You'll note that my gender identification of Google is male? I guess I've never had an aunt who knew much about the world or at least anything that she would admit to knowing. Historically INFORMATION BELONGS TO THE MEN, or did until lately.

I'm a woman and I love the information that is available to me now on the web. No one there raises an eyebrow and asks me " what do you want to know that for?" . . . a form of male dominance.

I think many women are conflicted about the mistakes and errors and over-reaching of our president because he is a father,brother,uncle image as president, and we have always expected them to lead us.

Have you noticed Hillary lately? SHE says she's only trying to get re-elected to the Senate but she's very visible and very vocal . Are we ready for a woman in that job? Other countries have done it. Will the women here in the United States support a woman for president? I would. It's a question for GOOGLE.


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