Thinking out loud and in public . . .

Friday, December 09, 2005

getting started

this is just like the upgrade probs I'm having after getting a new computer a mac-mini which is six inches square and two inches deep and POWERFUL. a new operating system OSX or TIGER, and it is one, and new ISP and finding my way around the new NETSCAPE which isn't as good for me as the old one so back to the ISP.

I'm asked to make a post in order to continue setting up this thing, so it has to be mine. Puulllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeze bear with me. . . .because


Blogger because said...

Ok I'm making a comment of my own so that people who don't know how can do it if they like. just click on the comment word at the bottom and you'll get this screen which allows for such.

Saturday, 10 December, 2005

Blogger because said...

COMMENTS button is dark and hard to see but I can't figure out how to change the background so just highlight the area at the bottom of the post with your mouse and it'll show right up. sorry about that. . .

Saturday, 10 December, 2005


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