Thinking out loud and in public . . .

Sunday, February 06, 2011

quick changes

the youth of the world world is responsible. Young people have the passion and the energy but not the experience in governing to know how to change and reform their worlds, several different kinds of them. It isn't even possible to model a new one after an old or existing one, athough they do model the desire to change after that of their neighbors and want to do it YESTERDAY. This means that the methods are usually direct and often violent. Makes me think of children's "temper tamtrums". Growing up is hard to do.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

time takes its toll

It is time to start avoiding mirrors. This eighty-two year-old face is unrelenting. . . sigh so where did it go. . . the image I just tried to put in here.


Round and round we go

Don't Ask Don't tell is unconstitutional but congress is playing it upside down and round about as if it were not and having to be enacted. Harry and Barack are also noncomittal. Will there be a reconstitution of the financial rights lost to fired military people when it is at last settled and shown to be unlawful to have denied them in the first place.

Of course prisa, or
get a warant before listening in on others conversations was illegal too, even with the seventy two hour repriseal.

We are going to have a lot of confusion undoing all the rigamarole caused by the criminal acts of the bush administration which were done in denial during not only its administration but continued by the following one. Once a law or proclaimed as such, always one and to be enforced???

Thursday, August 13, 2009

so this still exists. It has been so long I thought it would have drifted away.
politics is downright silly right now with congress on vacation and the republicans disrupting democrati townhalls with shouting and intimidating and making up all sorts of outrageous lies about the still un finished healthcare bills still to be designed. not worth talking about. S. Palin still exists on tv since she said something memorable last april which is lately being reversed regarding living wills or as she says death boards for the elderly. sigh. previously in april 2008 as govenor she declared a day devoted to living wils although she called them something else. if she were not so pretty . . . .well that is it people like to look at her which is fine if they don't also belive her.

I have a Kindle and that has given me back my love of reading forty one in my archives since march 17,2009. I can blow the text up six times which is the only way I can read now that my MD and cateracts are growing faster.I love it.

Monday, October 20, 2008

government sponsored enterprice fannie mae freddie mac

the definition of fannie mae and freddie mac no longer includes a connection to the government as of 1992  although it is a government sponsored enterprise  GSE as a result of a history beginning in 1916 with an idea but  actually beginning  in 1938 as a way for the government  to finance low cost housing HUD and later the VA. since then it has transformed itself many times until finally into a privately owned and run corporation with no real regulation or anything   having to do with the government. the reference to goverment government sponsered enterprise remained only as a suggestion that it would be a safe investment with the treasury involved.  this was  effectively a LIE.

With its eye on the stockholders bottom line it has created  the beginning of world wide financial ruin.

the information here I got from google when I asked for fannie mae and the private sector

 it gave me a batch of links to follow.

if it interests you to explore the beginnings of this financial CRISiS. just go to google and plug that in. have a nice journey.

Friday, May 02, 2008

complainingand computer art

the new google combined with blogspot which is now blogger has kept me out for a long time. there are too many options to find yourself if you happen tobe from the old setup. I finally found it through gmail and my regular e-mail which I used to have here only it's gone too I think
anyhow I have dones ome computer art which could be posted here if I can remember how now after a year and if this cranky system will let me.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


But what is it?

three guesses.

Monday, May 28, 2007


My usually sensible friend, an ex-patriot sent me this.

"I don't trust any of the Democrats. The weak botch they made of doing something decisive about Iraq turned me off for the whole bunch."

I've heard it too often from people who just are not keeping even slightly in touch with the political facts of life. that wasn't weak that was smart.

giving the repubs a gift by cutting off all funds immediately would have been
weak and stupid and no more effective. The bill would never have made it through the
senate. As it is THEY are responsible for the delay and the many lives lost because of it.

Sunday, May 27, 2007


I watched, listened to two of them today, the first by John Edwards and just now one by Hillary Clinton.

Edwards spent most of the time TELLING the graduates what they MUST do as citizens of the world now that they belonged to it as fully prepared adults. Clinton spent the time praising the graduates for their accomplishments and making a detailed plan for the recovery of New Orleans. So How would you feel if you were lectured about your responsibilities, rather than praised for your hard work, courage and accomplishments?

I visited the Guiliani speech a couple of times but he wasn't making sense and I couldn't stand him. Maybe I should learn to spell his name correctly but I hope I don't have to have that much contact with it.

I'm taking a strong position in whom I will support for president and if you haven't guessed already, It's Hillary Clinton from the get-go. . . not only because she is a woman but because she is better qualified than anyone else in the field.

I find her very likable and wonder where the reputation for her negative impact came from. She's outgrown the mistakes she made as a beginning "first lady" way back when. She is able to work in the senate with people, colleagues of all persuasions. I believe her to be sincere, that she has LEARNED how better to accomplish her goals and I think she should get credit for this accomplishment. It couldn't have been easy.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

GAIA . . .maybe a poem

GAIA--the earth

You are Gaia -- a goddess? perhaps, but more than that.
You claim to be the whole of everything within and on and
about the Earth. You live in flesh and air, in stone and
diatoms floating in the sea.

You are orphaned . . . . your predecessors unknown.
Perhaps there were none and you spontaneous
birth out of great expanses of space and it's
endless matrix of dust and stars,.

Deep within you are bubbling masses, molton rock hot
red death growing and pressing against your walls,
forcing, pressing, utimately breaking loose,
streaming forth upon your tough outer skin, to build, to destroy,
reshape all within your path making mountains,
transforming self into something other.

Gaia, restless, changing, ever growing,
shrinking, exploding, and coming together again, forever
becoming. . . .somethings?

I am Gaia as are you and you and you and the rocks
and the sea and the plastic keyboard on which I write. We
gaze into the endless dark of night and wonder why it is so
dark, so cold, yet bright with the light of other worlds.

Are these, too, are GAIA. Are they your
parents, are they your family, your own, our own, to beget us and
our world?.

We ask questions. You have much to tell us, but we are
not ready to understand .We seek, we quest. We
dig in the earth. bringing up the bones of our predecessors.
are these GAIA? Is this you oh Goddess of everything?

What of the times when you rumble fiercely deep within
your bowels and bring forth hot red blood?
You destroy plants and animals, melting rock , steaming
away the seas, destroying self. Is this you in a frenzy of creation
singing your song?

Here I sit in my plastic chair in my plastic world. Even it is
made from the oil within you, created from plants, rotten to
become the coal and oil beneath your skin. The metals and
woods have been wrought by you and brought forth for our
use. Our very flesh is yours, given jealously with a limit on
its life before it changes, disintegrates into dust or is eaten
to become flesh again.

Everything is connected. My wandering spirit feels your
presence, especially when the skies glow with the setting
of the sun or the electromagnetic curtains of the northern
The Greeks called the earth GAE and the sky, UR,
floating in a chaotic soup until accidental forces
brought them together to make order, to create the Titans
and their offspring, symbols of the human condition as we
know it. Is this you GAIA?

CREATION, the story of Adam and Eve , finds them naked
in the garden , innocent of their destiny, their flesh and it's

How could gaia not know her basic nature, to give birth,
to nurture, grow and to change. Smiling to yourself you sent a
serpent with the vital message and we have all suffered
since. What was begun in innocence has become
sophistry and pain.

Gaia intends only to change, create, nurture
and destroy, a spiral of spirit and life, chaotic,
without course.
In the end there is no GAIA,
there are only the imaginings
of the human mind and spirit.

There is only, ME.

Sunday, March 04, 2007



Wendlell Wilke spoke of ONE WORLD in which each place in the world produced what it could do better and more economicaly than any other place in the world. It was thought that eventually all would enjoy the resources of the planet in terms of what each could produce most naturally and effectively.

It’s happening in that work formerly done for higher wages here in the United States is now being done for much lower ones in other countries where the standard of living is lower and workers are available for much less than they are here. . . .and . . . it’s destroying our economy.

According to the idea then of the ONE WORLD philosophy our standard of living is unaturally high and should be reduced according to our ability to produce such services at competitive costs.

The winners in these situations are not only the workers abroad but the “BUSINESSES” which hire them.

In my opinion, These entities should have to pay taxes on such operations which would equal the costs to them if they remained here in the States using American workers.

Not only are our jobs and markets and our standard of living at risk with the outsourcing procedure but the tax base which provides income to our government services is reduced adding to our deficite problems.

now if only I could spell. . .

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Linda Hirshmans --I hate her too.

I read her article about the lack of political savvy that women have, many depending upon their husbands to "fill them in" on what is happening in the world. Women of all ages and even seniors (my age) are voting and they are a special group -- mostly women. see Seniornet at:

and check out the six hundred round table discussions there.

so back to Linda HIrshmans article on Why Women won't vote for Hillary in 2008. She should speak only for herself since she is the woman women love to hate.

check this out. frustrated and seething. I'm going to vote for Hillary. The only thing held against her is her trusting enough in the administration's intelligence, both kinds, to believe their sources re WMD in year 2003.
Bob Woodward has denoted what happened that year and before as the Republicans searched for an excuse to invade Iraq and settled on that issue. Too many of us believed them, but I didn't. Read STATE OF DENIAL and shudder.

so . ..Speak for yourself Linda girl. . . .and I will speak for those others.
