Thinking out loud and in public . . .

Sunday, March 04, 2007



Wendlell Wilke spoke of ONE WORLD in which each place in the world produced what it could do better and more economicaly than any other place in the world. It was thought that eventually all would enjoy the resources of the planet in terms of what each could produce most naturally and effectively.

It’s happening in that work formerly done for higher wages here in the United States is now being done for much lower ones in other countries where the standard of living is lower and workers are available for much less than they are here. . . .and . . . it’s destroying our economy.

According to the idea then of the ONE WORLD philosophy our standard of living is unaturally high and should be reduced according to our ability to produce such services at competitive costs.

The winners in these situations are not only the workers abroad but the “BUSINESSES” which hire them.

In my opinion, These entities should have to pay taxes on such operations which would equal the costs to them if they remained here in the States using American workers.

Not only are our jobs and markets and our standard of living at risk with the outsourcing procedure but the tax base which provides income to our government services is reduced adding to our deficite problems.

now if only I could spell. . .


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